How long does it take to get a PhD in Physics & Materials Science?
The importance of interdisciplinary research by employing the basics of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics is quite popular amongst the common mass. Hence a Ph.D. program with interdisciplinary research data is very much relevant for the aspiring youth of society. Such an additional degree in one’s career will open opportunities for that individual to pursue any decent profession with their high-level technical skill and expertise. JUIT, a top-ranked institution, in Himachal Pradesh is offering B.Tech in CSE, IT, ECE, BT/BI, CE), and M. Tech in CSE , ECE, BT, CE). The university also provides Ph.D. programs to eligible candidates in Engineering (all streams), Humanities & Social Sciences, Mathematics and Physics & Materials Science with financial assistance. Broadly Ph.D. programs are offered by the Physics & Materials Science department in the following thrust areas: (a) Material Sciences and Nanotechnology • Non-crystalline semiconductors • Nanoferrites • Thin...